• homestudy700

    How to carry on studying in disruptive circumstances

    Apr 3, 2020
    For students, professionals and all exam candidates, it is important to remain focused on the big picture, writes Lora Benson MCIPR, CISI head of media
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  • sustainability_700

    In the news: Sustaining sustainability

    Apr 3, 2020
    Some companies with ESG credentials are outperforming their peers throughout Covid-19, while a Dutch challenger bank launches an initiative to plant a tree for every €100 spent on its cards 
    by Bethan Rees
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    My business: True success

    Mar 31, 2020

    Andrew Brook-Dobson CFP™ Chartered MCSI, managing director at Brook-Dobson Brear, helps clients lead successful lives through a combination of life planning, financial planning and wealth management
    by Jane Playdon

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  • ate_700

    Ask the experts: Business models since RDR

    Mar 30, 2020
    Cindy Chan, partner and lead for retail conduct and governance at Deloitte UK, explains how the Retail Distribution Review has impacted business models and what has changed for the consumer since then
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    In the news: Diving into digital banking

    Mar 27, 2020
    Amid the current global turmoil, digital bank Revolut continues to operate and has launched in the US, while both Singapore and Hong Kong are expanding their digital banking offering
    by Bethan Rees
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  • special_700

    Getting in, and getting on

    Mar 25, 2020
    To have two generations of the same family working in the same sector is an indicator that social mobility isn’t happening. For financial services, that indicator stands at three times the national average in the UK alone. Why is this bad news and what can be done about it?
    by Alexander Garrett
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  • career-development_700

    Mental health and working from home

    Mar 20, 2020
    Many of us are working from home for the foreseeable future because of Covid-19. Here are some tips on how to combat the challenges this set-up creates
    by Bethan Rees 
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  • cyber security 700

    Security by design – creating a cyber resilient business

    Mar 17, 2020

    The consequences of cyber attacks can be severe – which is why security should be carefully designed into every part of the business rather than just bolted on
    by Michael Imeson, Chartered MCSI, and Des O'Connor

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  • case study main image700x385

    Case study: Combining property assets

    Mar 16, 2020
    Nicola Watts CFP™ Chartered FCSI, director of Jane Smith Financial Planning, explains how the firm helped a couple purchase a property and maintain their hobbies and interests during retirement
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  • Radical-Uncertainy_700

    Book review – Radical uncertainty: decision-making for an unknowable future

    Mar 16, 2020
    A new book by economist John Kay and former Bank of England governor Lord Mervyn King addresses the art of decision-making in an unforeseeable world
    by Anthony Hilton FCSI(Hon)
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