For the fifth year, CISI, the not-for-profit, global professional body for those working in financial planning, wealth management and capital markets, is supporting World Financial Planning Day (WFPD) 6 October 2021. Organised by the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) the event takes place during the International Organization of Securities Commissions’ (IOSCO) World Investor Week (#IOSCOWIW2021) 4 -10 October.
Consumers around the world can benefit from the life-changing guidance offered by the financial planning profession. The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is promoting how the right guidance can help people feel financially confident and combat anxiety or stress related to money worries by championing the FPSB’s World Financial Planning Day Wednesday 6 October.
The FPSB began World Financial Planning Day as part of an ongoing global initiative to promote financial wellbeing for all, to increase awareness of the value of financial planning to consumers and share the benefits of having a financial plan. The theme remains Live your today. Plan your tomorrow. as consumers are encouraged to better understand their financial situation and the available options, with CFP™ professionals on hand to support along the way.
On the day this year, FPSB will host a worldwide live virtual panel event exploring what client needs will look like in the future, as well as the delivery of advice. The event also uses the latest FPSB research to advise CFP™ professionals on the skills and abilities required to sustain a thriving practice.
World Investor Week is organised by IOSCO to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection. During the week of 4 – 10 October securities regulators on six continents will provide a variety of activities, including investor-focused communications and services, increasing awareness of investor
education initiatives, workshops and conferences, and conducting campaigns in their own jurisdictions.
Sally Plant, CISI Head of Financial Planning said: “We are proud to join the global financial planning community supporting World Financial Planning Day and World Investor Week. It is increasingly important to celebrate with and promote to consumers the lifechanging benefits a full financial plan has to both health, wealth and achieving life goals. We join the global FPSB network of organisations in 27 countries and territories, representing over 192,000 CFPTM professionals, to promote these initiatives encouraging consumers to better understand how financial planning can add value to their lives.”
World Financial Planning Day will run just before the UK Financial Planning Week which takes place between 11 – 17 October 2021. During this week, the CISI aims to empower consumers nationwide to feel more financially confident, connecting them with financial planners and Certified Financial PlannerTM professionals for an hour long, free session, and to learn more about how true financial planning can be a life changing experience .
The CISI will be encouraging its financial planning members to support World Financial Planning Day 6 October and World Investor Week by:
- Showing their support for the campaign by sharing financial planning tips and best practice on social media using #WFPD2021 and #IOSCOWIW2021
- Following the aims of #WFPD for #FPWUK, commencing this year 11 – 17 October 2021.
Any CISI members wanting to get involved can sign up on cisi.org/registerfpweek.
The CISI is the mark’s licensing authority for the CFP TM Professional marks in the United Kingdom, through agreement with FPSB.