CISI UK Eyecare Test Voucher Request Form

Please complete all the information on this form if you require an eyecare voucher for an eye test.

Once completed, the request will be sent to HR/Concierge who will check you are eligible and if so, will order the vouchers from our eyecare provider, Eden Red. They will email you direct with a confirmation to say the voucher is on it’s way. Please allow for 5-7 working days for this.

This is not the same as your candidate number, your employee ID no. is displayed against your record on the Cascade HR Portal.

Address vouchers to be sent to:

Eyecare Voucher Terms & Conditions

  1. I will redeem the eye examination voucher for the sole purpose of obtaining and meeting the whole cost of an eye examination with a participating optician.
  2. I will use the voucher prior to the expiry date shown on the voucher (usually 12 month from order date).
  3. I will be wholly responsible for the safe keeping and use of each voucher issued and neither EdenRed UK nor CISI shall replace any voucher lost or damaged beyond usability whilst in my care.
  4. I agree and understand that eye examination vouchers and spectacles vouchers are issuable and useable solely as defined. I will not be entitled to receive any voucher unless authorised to do so by CISI.
  5. I will provide proof of voucher usage to HR/Concierge by emailing them a copy of the optician receipt.
  6. I will return any unused voucher(s) to HR/Concierge if no longer required.
Confirm the Eyecare Voucher Terms & Conditions