Grievance Policy


The Grievance Procedure provides a mechanism for dealing with problems and concerns as quickly and as fairly as possible and at the right level within the Institute’s hierarchy.   It is in everyone’s best interest to ensure that these problems and concerns are not allowed to fester and develop into major problems. Where the Institute’s hierarchy, your position within it, or the person you have a grievance about, does not allow the procedures envisaged to be followed strictly, the Institute will endeavour to provide an alternative procedure allowing you to raise your grievance and for it to be resolved quickly and fairly.

Other policies

This policy can be used by any employee who wishes to raise a grievance.  However, there are certain sorts of grievance which are better dealt with under other policies (e.g. speak up procedure and harassment procedure).  The Institute may discuss with you alternative action in appropriate circumstances.


The Institute will make every effort to keep the fact and circumstances of your grievance confidential. However circumstances outside of its control may make this not fully possible e.g. if there was a public incident which resulted in the grievance.  All staff involved in any grievance proceedings are required to keep the information confidential.  Any member of staff who is found to have breached this requirement may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.   

Right to be accompanied

You have a legal right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union official at any formal grievance hearings and appeal hearings, if you wish.  Your choice of person to accompany you must be reasonable.  The Institute may ask you to choose an alternative person if your request is not reasonable, for example, because the person you choose has a conflict of interest.  That right will not extend to informal meetings unless you specifically request to be accompanied at an informal meeting and your request is considered reasonable by the Institute.

Informal procedure

If you have a grievance or compliant you should, wherever possible, start by talking it over with your manager.  You may be able to agree a solution informally between you.

Formal Procedure 

If the matter is serious and /or you wish to make a formal grievance you should inform the Institute of your grievance in writing.

You will be invited to attend a meeting to discuss your grievance as soon as possible and you have the right to be accompanied at this meeting.  You will be given an opportunity to explain your complaint.   After the meeting you will be notified in writing of the decision, and your right of appeal if you feel the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved.

Temporary move to another department

In certain circumstances the Institute may decide to move you to work in another department while your grievance is being heard. The aim will be to remove a source of tension and / or ensure the smooth working of the department.  The Institute will aim to ensure that this is for as short a period as is necessary.

This is not a sanction against you, does not imply that any decision has been made, or that a case has been proved.


If you wish to appeal against the decision, you must inform the Institute in writing within five working days of the grievance decision against which you are appealing.  It would be helpful if you set out the grounds in writing on which you are appealing.  You will be invited to a meeting and you have the right to be accompanied at that meeting.

A more senior manager will normally hear the appeal.   The person holding the appeal will review the evidence and make such enquiries as may seem appropriate.    You will be given an opportunity to state your case. 

After the meeting you will be notified in writing of the decision.  This is the final stage of the grievance procedure and the decision is final.