A message from your President, Frank O'Riordan MCSI, President, CISI Ireland

As 2017 draws to a close, I would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas.

The year has seen a significant rise in membership, so I would like, particularly, to welcome new members, our expanding student population and those of you who re-joined over the past year.

2017 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the CISI. We have grown to be the premier internationally recognised qualifications and membership body for professionals in the investment and fund management industry. We have had an extremely busy and worthwhile year in terms of hosting a series of events on a range of topics suggested by members which provide an excellent opportunity to discuss timely and relevant issues and meet like-minded industry colleagues.

I would encourage you to note the diary dates below for seminars organised in the first quarter of next year. Likewise, if there any topics you would particularly find useful to discuss in 2018, please let us know by contacting your CISI Ireland representative, Deirdre Heffernan.

Congratulations to all those who have successfully completed your CISI qualifications this year. We will recognise the highest achievers at our members dinner on 26 April 2018.

Thanks again for all your participation and Best wishes for 2018.


Frank O'Riordan MCSI, President, CISI Ireland