What's the one thing you would change?

If you have not used this question before, then I recommend you try it! The question usually stops people in their tracks and is to some extent so neutral that the responses can be as diverse as an individual’s world. Try it on clients, staff and colleagues to see what you get back. The responses can be enlightening, easy to fix, or more deep-seated, revealing a greater underlying issue that needs to be addressed and is the tip of the iceberg of a number of changes the individual wants to address.

I also think the timing of this question is important as we approach the end of the year, 2017, as it can be a time of reflection of the year that has passed. It’s all well and good pointing this question at others, but it is sometimes better to direct it at yourself to ask the same. And…what would you change?

Only you will know the honest answer. I asked the host on my money advice slot on air on BBC Surrey & Sussex radio this week and her response was immediate…’to earn more money!’ Don’t we all (usually) want to do this, but the question is how? As part of a Financial Planner’s role, we often question clients to understand their real needs through searching questioning that can be challenging. This is only correct to make the right advice recommendations. So, asking yourself some thought-provoking questions would not go amiss.

With 2017 fading fast and the prospect of 2018 in sight, and of course the festive season about to descend on us, now is a great time to look at your career, your business, your position to see what you would change. Change is nothing to be feared as long as it is embraced and it could be anything, from more CPD, to a promotion, to a career move…you name it.

Whatever you do, make it happen in 2018. We believe that the prospects for the year look good…and so should yours!   

Keith Churchouse CFP Chartered FSCI
Vice-President CISI Southern Committee