2019 CISI Southern Branch update

I was delighted to meet with the CISI Southern Branch Committee towards the end of January 2019 to look at the opportunities and agenda for the balance of 2019. Our meeting was the day after the CISI Presidents’ Day (pictured) in Fenchurch Street in London and many great ideas from the various regions were considered.

Presidents Day 2019

I am pleased to also report the success of the first CISI Southern Branch CPD event in mid-January 2019, which was well received and highly topical.

Your committee plans to continue to look at a dual-location format for 2019, with our CISI Branch meetings to be held in both central Guildford and just outside Reigate, with the Reigate events now kindly organised by Nick Boe of Brewin Dolphin. In addition, we are planning a ‘Super-Event’ between the Southern and South Coast Branches on the morning of Tuesday 14 May at Portsmouth University (geographically central between both regions). Please keep your diaries free and the final details will come through soon.

Looking at the diary for 2019, we plan the following (subject to variations):

Month 2019


March CPD event

Reigate Heath Golf Club (PM)

April CPD event

Guildford Central (G Live / AM)

14 May CPD event

Super Event- Portsmouth University (AM)

Late June AGM and Social

Guildford Central (PM)

September CPD event

Guildford (Lunchtime)

October CPD event

Reigate Heath Golf Club (PM)

November CPD event

Guildford Central

We plan to hold our AGM in the early summer, along with a social event in central Guildford and all dates will be confirmed from the central CISI office soon.

I hope this update is helpful and please do pass on the message to anyone who would be interested in joining in. These events are obviously great for CPD and the Committee has looked at topical events to meet this requirement accordingly. If there is anything you would like to see on the agenda, then please let me know.

The Southern Branch is also looking for suitable sponsors for this year and next and please do let me know if you have any suggestions.

We look forward to a great CISI Southern Branch event schedule for 2019 and beyond.

Keith Churchouse CFP Chartered FSCI
President, CISI Southern Committee