CISI Southern Branch – Committee members needed!

As you may be aware, the CISI Southern branch runs regular CPD and social events in both Guildford and Reigate, to help members keep up to date with developments in the financial services industry and to network with other professionals.

These events are organised by the Southern branch committee. We’re a group of industry volunteers drawn from a range of sectors and we all have in common the desire to benefit from high-quality CPD events and to promote our industry to a wider audience, including engagement with schools, colleges and universities to help education.

We are keen to recruit new members to our committee, in part to replace two members who have stood down after a number of years of dedicated service, and also to bring new ideas, perspectives and views to the group. New ideas are always welcome!

The committee meets around once a quarter in Guildford to plan topics for future CPD events and to discuss strategies for growing the effectiveness of the Southern branch in our area, both in terms of attracting more members to events and encouraging engagement with the academic sector and other professionals from different industries.

Committee issues and topics

We are normally joined by our CISI representative at our meeting to look at any issues and topics for our branch area and these can include:

  • Future topics for consideration at CPD events, linked to industry experience of relevant issues that our membership faces
  • Future speakers at CPD events who can add value to our educational needs
  • Social events in and around our Southern branch area
  • Education events and contact with local schools, colleges and universities
  • Liaison with young professionals to engage in the CISI programme, both from within the industry and outside, with the legal and accountancy professions as an example
  • Liaison with other branches to engage in future CISI events, with the recent example of a ‘super-event’ in Portsmouth.

This is not an exhaustive list but provides a flavour of what our committee may consider during its meetings.

It is a satisfying and rewarding role and certainly not onerous. We would welcome volunteers from any sector of the financial services industry and if you feel able to offer your time and expertise, then please do let me know.

I would be happy to discuss this opportunity with you either over the telephone or in person.

Keith Churchouse CFP Chartered FSCI
President, CISI Southern Committee