A message from your new Branch President

Since taking over as Branch President there has been a lot going on, but I thought it was past due for me to introduce myself. I have worked in Financial Services in Leeds for 16 years and I have been a member of CISI’s Yorkshire Committee for a number of those years. My experience is mainly in Operations and recently with a Risk & Compliance focus, especially on CASS.

Since my predecessor Charlie’s update earlier this year, the Yorkshire Committee have finally been able to hold meetings in person again and it has been great to see people face to face. I hope in 2023 to be able to host more in-person CPD events but I think online webcasts will continue to be a crucial part of our CPD framework. As we approach the end of the year, if you need to top up your CPD hours I’d recommend looking at what CPD webcasts are available to book, and CISI TV covers a huge range of topics. If you’re not already a member of our LinkedIn CISI Yorkshire Network, I would recommend you join, as we keep it updated with upcoming CPD opportunities.

In May I joined other Regional Presidents at the CISI’s office in London where we heard about new and existing initiatives from the CISI and were able to discuss our challenges and successes from our regions. Earlier this year the CISI introduced a mentoring initiative which is a great way to build on the Young Professionals Network and will bring real benefits to both mentees and mentors so I would encourage everyone to get involved if you can.

The other big news from the CISI this year has been the appointment of a new Chief Executive in September 2022, Tracy Vegro OBE. Tracy’s appointment really demonstrates the CISI’s commitment to diversity and the Yorkshire Committee and I look forward to working with her.

Rebecca Keating
CISI Yorkshire President