Managing portfolios in a risky world - Invitation to an iShares webinar

Apr 28, 2016
In this month’s article we introduce the topic of risk, and provide details about our upcoming webinar focused on managing portfolios in a risky world.

Last month we discussed the challenges that investors are facing managing portfolios in a volatile backdrop. In an environment characterised by volatility across a wide variety of sources, such as the potential “Brexit” and the heightened Sterling currency volatility that has followed as a result, managing a fully-invested and diversified portfolio is a daunting task. 

In an environment characterised by high levels of risk, we believe it is important for investors to thoroughly understand risk: the different sources and their characteristics. Risk can take many forms, whether this is currency risk associated with an unhedged portfolio, or the equity risk associated with a UK company in the European economy as we lead up to the upcoming referendum on 23rd June. It is only when you appreciate the diversity of risk that you can begin to consider the different solutions to manage this in a portfolio context.

To help understand the best way to build and manage a portfolio in a risky world, please join us for a webinar on Monday 9th May, 11am UK time. Hear from Ewen Cameron-Watt, Chief Investment Strategist for BlackRock and BlackRock Investment Institute, regarding the current risk backdrop facing investors and from Andrew Keegan, Portfolio Strategist within the BlackRock Multi-Asset Strategies Group, about implementing these views in a portfolio context.

  • What are the different sources of portfolio risk?
  • How can you manage risk in a portfolio?
  • What are the benefits of an active approach that uses low-cost implementation?
  • Q&A: An opportunity to ask the speakers your questions

This webinar could qualify for unstructured CPD points. 

Please click here to register.

To find out more about the BlackRock Managed Index Portfolios (BMIPs) please visit our
website or contact us.


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