EuroView: Looking beyond the short-term risks

Nov 21, 2016
Schroders’ Head of UK & European Equities, Rory Bateman, discusses near-term risks facing European equity investors, and assesses the longer-term outlook for earnings and valuations.

While we are encouraged by the European equity market recovery since the UK’s EU referendum, the total return for the market is still down 4% in euro terms this year at the time of writing.

The strength of the FTSE 100, up 12% in sterling terms year-to-date (YTD), has surprised many. This has been driven by exporters and the positive impact of weaker sterling post the referendum, but in euro terms the loss is similar at -3% YTD.

Corporate earnings have fallen short

Once again, the key driver has been disappointing earnings relative to expectations, particularly in financials and energy. Earnings have been downgraded from +10% in January and we expect will finish the year at -4%, therefore we have actually seen a modest re-rating of the market so far this year.

If we strip out energy and financials the picture is better with earnings growth this year at around +5% which may be significant as we look forward to the next 12 months. Interest rates can’t go much lower which should provide some support for the banking sector’s profitability and the year-on-year comparisons for the oil price will begin to ease as we go into 2017.

This of course pre-supposes that underlying earnings in non-financials and energy can hold up or improve going forward which, given the low inflationary environment we are in, is a big assumption. However, we continue to believe the European economic recovery is on track, albeit still sluggish, and the Brexit impact will be minimal.

Looking more internationally, the US appears robust and emerging markets are improving (although not universally) which should provide reasonable export markets for many European companies.

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Issued in March 2016 by Schroder Unit Trusts Limited, 31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA. Registered No: 4191730 England. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.