Do you need to reset?

Oct 11, 2017
Do you ever have those days where you don’t quite leap out of bed with your usual verve?

Tips From The Coalface, October 2017

Do you ever have those days where you don’t quite leap out of bed with your usual verve?

Mostly I’m pretty motivated, so those days are rare. However, I do have them every so often and I’ve discovered the root cause; I need to reset.

Apparently the original astronauts from Apollo 11 suffered from serious depression after walking on the moon. The cause? What the heck do you do after you’ve walked on the moon? 

We can all suffer from that flat feeling, or even a mild depression when we reach the end of a burst of activity. If you’ve set goals for the year, the quarter, or the month and gone hard to achieve them, then reaching the end can trigger that flat feeling.

The cure is to simply stop and reset. Take a day, or even a few days to just explore ‘what’s next’. Once you work through that exercise and decide on your next steps, you’ll often find that your mojo comes right back. It can be that straightforward.

One tip: the bigger the reset, the more time you may require to decide what’s next. Don’t short change yourself and just keep grinding away. The sooner you take the time to reset, the sooner you’ll have your mojo back.