For many, saving for a goal often revolves around residential property. However, investing in the UK has for too long been focused on Equities, Bonds and Commercial Property. Residential Property in our view is overlooked despite investors’ affinity to an asset class that is tangible, transparent and intuitive.
For many, saving for a goal often revolves around residential property. However, investing in the UK has for too long been focused on Equities, Bonds and Commercial Property. Residential Property in our view is overlooked despite investors’ affinity to an asset class that is tangible, transparent and intuitive.
Our aim is to bridge that gap with the TM home investor fund:
- First open-ended residential property fund in UK available to retail investors
- FCA authorised OEIC
- A proven 5-year performance track record (over 35% cumulative returns, net of fees, as per July 2018; C-Class, Retail Gross Unbundled), with volatility below 3%.
- Holds over 200 mainstream residential properties directly across mainland UK, no exposure to prime London
- No gearing
- Daily liquidity
- Permitted via ISA, SIPPs and other tax wrappers; available on intermediary platforms
We see the following reasons why such a residential property fund could help achieve your clients’ goals:
An alternative to buy to let: Recent tax and regulatory changes made Buy-to-Let investing less attractive for some investors. A residential property fund can be an alternative way of investing in UK residential property
Saving for a Deposit: A residential property fund can be of interest for investors saving for a deposit – whether first time buyers or parents, grandparents, friends and family helping others get on the property ladder
Diversifying a portfolio: Adding residential property to a diversified, multi-asset portfolio can enhance diversification, in particular for defensive portfolios. Returns from residential property, a combination of capital growth and rental income, show low or negative historic correlations to Equities, Bonds and importantly Commercial Property.
The fund recently obtained an Elite rating from FundCalibre (, and Hearthstone commissioned Defaqto to provide an independent Due Diligence report.
Please visit our website to find out more or call us on 020 3301 1300.
Important: This article should not be considered investment advice or an invitation to invest. Investors may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and future returns are not guaranteed.
The Authorised Corporate Director is Thesis Unit Trust Management Limited, Exchange Building, St John’s Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UP. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Hearthstone Investments launched the UK’s first open-ended residential property fund approved by the FCA for retail distribution in 2012.
The TM home investor fund now has a 5-year track record, holds some 200 properties across mainland UK, and is available on most major UK platforms as well as via SIPPs, ISAs, Offshore Bonds and Trusts.
Residential property can help diversify a portfolio both in terms of capital risk and income. On a stand-alone basis, a residential property fund could be of interest for those looking for an alternative to Buy-To-Let investing, or others saving for a deposit.
You can find more information on our website: