Kent school student Maisy Salsbury achieves top mark in CISI professional finance exam ​

Apr 25, 2018



Kent based student Maisy Salsbury has achieved top marks in her recent finance exam and collected an Award at Mansion House, London

Maisy, who studies at Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys in Canterbury,MaisySalsbury Kent, received an award for the Certificate in Finance, Risk and Decision Making. She said: “I was made aware of the CISI qualification at my school and it immediately sparked my interest. I knew that the qualification was a unique opportunity for students. It is a qualification that is widely recognised in industry and compliments my three A’ levels perfectly.

“I feel that CISI has provided me with the best possible grounding for my chosen career in the financial services industry upon leaving school.

“Thanks to CISI and the insight days it introduced me to I have managed to connect with some very influential people working in the financial sectors. This is a real and unique privilege that no other students (outside of CISI) have. It’s a real benefit.

“The events I attended through the CISI qualification inspired me to apply for an internship or apprenticeship, a route I hadn’t ever considered before studying CISI. I’d strongly advise anyone to approach the qualification with an idea that “your potential future is within this course”. This attitude makes the studying required much more enjoyable than usual and will hopefully inspire you for future job opportunities.

“I did not keep my studying for the course narrow, instead I moved away from the specification and tried to incorporate things relevant to the course in many aspects of my life. This included reading the Financial Times and The Economist, following relevant businesses on LinkedIn and reading many books – the most useful I found to be John Lanchester’s ‘How to Speak Money’. This wider knowledge made exam revision much easier as not only did I understand key concepts already, I knew contextualised examples. 

 “After the summer exams I’m looking for an internship or apprenticeship in investment banking. My hope is that this will generate opportunities for me to continue my career in the financial industry.”

Katie Presland, Chartered FCSI of Charles Stanley and President of the CISI South East branch committee said: “We are delighted to congratulate Maisy for her excellent achievement. It’s thanks also to the collective community network of her family, friends, teachers and trainers which have been part of her personal development journey. We look forward to welcoming her to further branch events.”

The CISI South East branch holds regular events in the region on topics across the profession of financial services. For further information on the branch please contact