CISI joins 13 EBTN Council of Europe members awarded Triple E accreditation for professional financial qualification standards

Jun 18, 2019

The not-for-profit European Banking and Financial Services Training Association (EBTN) has awarded Triple E accreditation for two of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) leading global qualifications.

Providing a framework for how a professional qualification should be designed and executed, Triple E is an accreditation recognition for institutions of the quality of the qualification they provide*.170619EBTNTripleEaccreditationKarolineandColinMorrison

The two CISI qualifications which have achieved Triple E accreditation are the International Introduction to Securities and Investment (IISI) and the International Certificate in Wealth and Investment Management (ICWIM). The IISI qualification, Level 4 on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), provides a comprehensive introduction to the financial services profession with a specific focus on investments from a global perspective. It is the first step in CISI’s qualifications pathway, is taken by many practitioners and is the foundation exam for higher level CISI qualifications.

The ICWIM qualification, also Level 4 on the EQF, covers the essentials of financial planning, private client asset management, fund management, advisory functions and investment analysis from a global perspective. It also meets the needs of firms who want to ensure that staff can provide high-quality advice and the qualification can be included in staff induction programmes.

Based in Brussels, EBTN has 24 Full Members and 12 Associate Members, including CISI as an Associate and includes institutes, associations and other organisations from any of the 47 Council of Europe member states and beyond providing banking and financial series education and training.

Simon Culhane, Chartered FCSI and CISI CEO said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this Triple E accreditation for our IISI and ICWIM qualifications.  Over 4,200 of these examinations were sat globally in the last year and this EBTN Triple E accreditation is a testament to the quality and standards CISI candidates need to meet to achieve success in these global professional qualifications.

Karolina Pajor, left, CISI Senior International Manager and Colin Morrison, 
President of EBTN and Interim Chair EBTN’s Triple E Committee

Colin Morrison, President of EBTN and Interim Chair of EBTN’s Triple E Committee said: "EBTN was quite impressed by the extensive application for both qualifications.  IISI and ICWIM both meet the 10 values of Triple E to a very great extent, and the pillars of the Triple E standard are very well represented in these qualifications.  We congratulate CISI on this achievement."

*Triple E accreditation is referenced to the EU lifelong learning instruments: the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the system of European Credit points for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and the guidelines concerning European Quality Assurance for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).