The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) and the European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF) launch e-learning training and assessment for the Cyprus Investment Firm’s (CIF) Information Providers

Sep 03, 2020

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) and the European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF), have launched a cost-effective e-learning and assessment programme for Information Providers of the Cyprus Investment Firm’s (CIF) fulfilling the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) learning outcome on meeting Knowledge and Competence requirements under MiFID II.

The CISI is a Royal-Chartered, not-for-profit UK professional body for those who work in the financial services and investment profession worldwide, with a global membership of 45,000 members, of which over 200 are in Cyprus. The European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF), the CISI’s Accredited Training Partner since 2015, is a leading provider of premium public courses, executive education, eLearning and tailored learning solutions with emphasis on the Cypriot financial and professional services sector.

The EIMF/CISI Information Givers in Financial Services assessment programme offers a broad introduction to the financial services professional sector, with a specific focus on investments from a European perspective.  

The programme focuses on European markets and covers fundamental financial principles and products in-depth, including assets and markets, equities, bonds, derivatives and investment funds. It explores the broader economic environment in which the financial services profession operates and looks at how economic activity is determined and managed in different economic and political systems. It offers an introduction to the European financial services regulation and ensures that candidates are provided with an understanding of ethical behaviour and acting with integrity.

The programme is suitable for new entrants to the profession and staff who are beginning their career in financial services and working with Cypriot firms. The broad topics covered make this qualification ideal for all staff, and not merely those who are responsible for providing information to clients. It is suitable for all functions including administration, finance and accounting, IT, customer services, back-office, sales and marketing as well as HR and training.

Details of the e-learning and assessment programme

Beginning in September 2020, firms will be able to register their staff with the EIMF to undertake the EIMF/CISI e-learning training and assessment module.

The key learning objectives are to understand how financial markets function and how they affect the value and pricing of investment products on which the individuals provide information to clients.

The key learning outcomes are to know, understand, and apply all areas required under the ESMA Knowledge and Competence standards.

CISI and EIMF recommend a minimum of eighty hours of studying before attempting to sit the 60-minute, 30 multiple choice question, test. The pass mark is 70%.

Kevin Moore, Chartered FCSI, CISI Global Business Development Director, said: “We are delighted to collaborate with the EIMF in order to support the Cypriot Investment Firms in their commitment to ensure robust training and competence standards for their staff who may be providing financial information.”

Marios Siathas, General Manager at EIMF, said: ”As always it is great to work in partnership with the CISI, and, on this occasion I feel the new product will be extremely valuable to the Cyprus investment firms.  It will enhance specialised knowhow and in general provide valuable and necessary knowledge to the firm’s employees.”

For further information on how to register for the EIMF/CISI Information Givers in Financial Services Programme, contact or +357 22274470