The CISI Future Foundation ("the Foundation") is delighted to announce that it has made grants totalling more than £465,000 to seven deserving organisations across the United Kingdom. These are:
Financial Times, Financial Literacy & Inclusion Campaign £50,450
MyBnk £100,000
National Numeracy £105,000
Number Champions £50,000
Open Palm £40,000
The Money Charity £20,000
Young Enterprise £100,000
This funding will allow each of the recipients to undertake planned project work of varying type and scale, but with the common purpose of improving financial literacy in diverse communities across the United Kingdom which have, in various ways, found themselves challenged in acquiring these critical life skills.

On awarding these grants, Nick Swales, DL, Chartered FCSI (Hon), Regional – Director North East, Rathbones Investment Management Ltd and Chair of the CISI Future Foundation (right), said:
“The Foundation was delighted to receive a significant number of applications from a wide range of not-for-profit organisations, involved in improving financial literacy across the UK. After a robust vetting process, which I thank my fellow trustees and the Foundation’s manager for undertaking, we are pleased to be partnering with all the successful applicants. The Board looks forward to making further grants in the future.”
The Foundation was established in April 2022 with the objective of promoting education for the public benefit by advancing knowledge and improving skills in financial capacities and capabilities. The Foundation was later awarded charitable status by the Charity Commission in December 2022
The Foundation is now inviting new applications for funding from other deserving organisations whose objectives, ambition and purpose in the field of improving financial literacy match its own. This "Application Window" for UK funding opened on 6 November 2023. Applicants will have until 12 January 2024 to submit their proposals to the Foundation. Guidance for applicants and the criteria governing grant awards can be found on the Foundation’s website.