CISI confirms agreement with Lima Stock Exchange supporting global professional standards in financial services

Oct 14, 2015

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) will sign an MoU with the Lima Stock Exchange this week during a Latin American Stock Exchange initiative in London.

The deal will confirm the inclusion of the CISI’s Fundamentals of Financial Services qualification in the Lima Stock Exchange training programme, whose qualifications are recognised for those looking to enter the Peruvian financial services industry.

This examination along with a number of other CISI qalifications, is available in both Spanish and English with appropriate language accompanying workbooks.

The agreement means that the CISI is now working with regulators, stock exchanges, training providers and universities in three Latin American countries including Peru, Mexico and Colombia,

Simon Culhane Chartered FCSI and CISI Chief Executive said: “We are delighted to announce this agreement with our Lima Stock Exchange partners. We have found a growing appetite for our qualifications and professional development offering in Latin America. The desire to develop harmonisation in financial education and professional standards is a huge benefit to those working in the sector in the region.

 “We believe these initiatives will be especially beneficial to those young people starting their careers in finance, for whom a professional qualification will provide employability and portability in today’s globally competitive jobs market.”

Francis Stenning, CEO, of the Lima Stock Exchange said: “This is an important step for our Financial Studies Center; this agreement with CISI will promote a higher educational standard by giving to all our students an added value obtaining an international certification.”

The CISI MoU signing will take place during the MILA Day event at the London Stock Exchange Friday 16 October . MILA is the Latin American Integrated Market, a cross-border initiative that integrates the securities markets of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Eight CEO’s of the MILA stock exchanges and central securities depositories will ring the opening bell at the London Stock Exchange, following which presentations will be made to promote the opportunities offered by MILA to investors and securities infrastructure providers.