Leading with the theme 'Focus on the Future', the content rich, three day flagship CISI Financial Planning Conference 25-27 September residential event will provide financial planners and wealth managers, with the latest thought leadership across the six steps of financial planning, technical investments, practice management and the legal aspects of advice.
Building on the success of their 2016 conference, the CISI has ensured that the quality of speakers and content for this year’s event is first class. There are no sales speeches, no pitches – just the cutting-edge analysis and insight craved by this forward-thinking profession.
Regulation, technological change, soft skills and ethics will be key focusses; however, the conference will retain core financial planning content including divorce planning, intergenerational planning, cashflow modelling, business protection and clinical negligence claims.
Key highlights include:
• The Future of the UK Financial Services Industry
Former Minister of State for Pensions Sir Steve Webb, Director of Policy and External Communication Royal London
• Latest global adviser benchmarking study: What do your clients want and need?
Mark Gochnour, Head of Advisor Services, Dimensional Fund Advisors
• Legal considerations in the divorce planning process
Paul Cobley CFPTM Chartered MCSI Director Oak Barn Financial Planning
• Ethics in small businesses: the risks and rewards
Philippa Hann, Partner, Clarke Willmott
• How to work with local and national media
Penny Haslam, Media Expert and former BBC journalist
Over 400 delegates are expected to descend on Celtic Manor in Newport (Wales) between 25 - 27 September.
Delegates will be able to attain over 13 hours of structured CPD across the three days, with the second day – featuring the wealth and investment management content - providing five hours 45 minutes of CPD.
Alex Xavier CISI Assistant Director, Member Services said: “Financial planners can expect to enjoy a range of ‘pure’ financial planning sessions, as well as specialist technical and legal content. Sessions will be interactive with plenty of focus on the sharing of ideas and will provide a fantastic opportunity for planners and wealth managers to build long lasting relationships with their peers. We believe this is the leading financial planning conference in the UK.”
Campbell Edgar CFP™ Chartered FCSI, Head of Financial Planning, CISI said: "We are delighted to offer a quality, content rich conference spanning multiple areas of specialism, including dynamic financial planning and critical investment themes, delivered by experts within their respective fields. In addition to content, the valuable networking and sharing of working practices within the relaxed environment of Celtic Manor will continue to be a priceless feature of our conference. I encourage financial planners, wealth and investment managers to join us in September"
Delegates will be able to secure a 10% discount if they book before 26 May 2017. To view the event website and book, please click here. For speaking and/or sponsorship enquiries, please contact alex.xavier@cisi.org.