Learn How To Learn

Aug 25, 2017

Tips From The Coalface, August 2017

In a recent blog from Ryan Holiday called The Daily Stoic, he outlined the following exchange between Epictetus, the Greek Stoic philosopher and a student:

“Tell me what to do” the student says. Epictetus corrects him, “It would be better to say, ‘Make my mind adaptable to any circumstances.’” 

This is the difference between teaching someone to fish and feeding them for life, or giving someone a fish and feeding them for a day.

As career professionals and business owners surely the aim has to be to learn how to fish. If that’s true for you, then you have to be thinking for yourself and evaluating the information you are being given by so-called experts (this one included).

There’s more than one way to successfully do most things in life. Being a great adviser, paraplanner or business owner is no exception.

There are no shortcuts to your destination. If a task or goal is difficult then the answer is unlikely to be some quick fix. Learning how to learn is a far surer path to where you are trying to get to, although it may take longer. 

Keep on questioning and find what works best for you. That’s true mastery.