LJMU Careers in Finance Event

The first LJMU Careers in Finance took place on Wednesday 25th October, with a panel of speakers taking to the stage in the large lecture theatre in the Redmond Building.

Liverpool John Moores University is one of the largest, most dynamic and forward-thinking universities in the UK, with origins dating from 1823.

There was a great turnout with over 80 students discovering a variety of careers paths ranging from Investment Management to Insurance.

It was inspiring to see some LJMU alumni on the panel, including Tom Calland & Jonathan Murphy from Fraser Wealth Management.

The CISI was pleased to join with the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) on the day and afterwards there was a lively networking event, in which the students could engage with practitioners in an informal setting.

Thank you to Senior Lecturer Karl Roberts & Anne Chisholm from the CISI for organising and to all the other speakers for their time & effort.
